Popular services
GP clinic
Access free or low-cost doctor or nurse services at one of our two clinics
Dental services
Access to free or low-cost dental services at one of our four clinics
Paediatrician service
Get support for children and young people up to 18 years with a range of health and wellbeing concerns
IPC Health Care Finders Service
Get help connecting in to the right aged care services for you, including My Aged Care
Head to Health
Explore your feelings and concerns about the stress in life with our experienced counsellors
Home Care Packages
Get help to stay in your own home for longer and manage your Home Care Package the way you want
Alcohol and other drugs (AOD) counselling
Be supported to explore the ways drug and alcohol use affects you and your family
Early Help Family Service
Supporting Brimbank and Melton families with each stage of their child’s development
Community health counselling
Ask about free counselling and explore your feelings in a safe space
How we work
At IPC Health, we care for Melbourne's west. You can get support from a range of services and dedicated staff who work with you to create a happier and healthier life.
IPC Health opens new Sexual and Reproductive Health Hub
Starting 1 July at Deer Park and Wyndham Vale campuses
IPC Health is participating in the Victorian Health Experience Survey
Tell us what you really think so we can improve our services for the community
IPC Health achieves perfect gender pay gap score
Workplace Gender Equality Agency publishes gender pay gap report
Have a question or need some help?
Call us on 1300 472 432 from 8.30am-5pm Monday to Friday or ask online .
In an emergency, call 000.