
Dental services

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Access free or low-cost dental services at one of our four clinics

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How we can help you

What we can help with

Our dental service offers a range of treatment for people aged 2 years and older, from check ups and extractions to customised dentures.

We work with you and your family to maximise any benefits or rebates that you’re eligible for and discuss your treatment plan and any costs upfront.

Each clinic offers a sit and wait option. Emergency cases will be assessed if an appointment becomes available during that time, but we can’t guarantee that you will be seen. We can refer you to the Royal Dental Hospital of Melbourne if an appointment at our clinic is not available.

Our Wyndham Vale clinic is led by final year students and delivers the same services as our other three campuses under the supervision of experienced senior staff.

Types of support

  • In person on campus

Waiting list times

Due to high demand, there is a wait for this service. Call us or ask online to find out more.

Using this service

  • Children between 2 and 12 years with a carer present

  • Adults with a current Health Care Card or Pension Card

  • Young people aged 12 to 18 years who hold, or whose carers hold, a concession card. Families eligible for the Commonwealth Child Dental Benefits Schedule (CDBS) are also able to access dental services through IPC Health

Ask online

Have a question or need some help?

Call us on 1300 472 432 from 8.30am–5pm Monday to Friday or  ask online .

In an emergency, call 000.
For non-life threatening emergencies, connect with the Victorian Virtual Emergency Department .