
Paediatrician service

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Get support for children and young people up to 18 years with a range of health and wellbeing concerns

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How we can help you

What we can help with

Our specialist children’s doctors work with young people and their families to address medical, developmental, behavioural, social and emotional issues and conditions.

We provide assessment, care, management and support for things like:

  • Developmental delays including language delay and motor skills delay
  • Behaviour concerns such as attention problems, aggression, defiance, emotional regulation, social difficulties
  • Autism Spectrum Disorder
  • Learning difficulties
  • Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
  • Mood difficulties such as anxiety and depression
  • Sleep and eating problems
  • Continence problems, such as bed wetting, daytime wetting, soiling, constipation
  • General medical conditions such as asthma, eczema, simple food allergies, abdominal pain, failure to thrive, recurrent urinary tract infections
  • Follow up for babies who experienced neonatal period

The clinic also has a Paediatric Fellow from the Royal Children’s Hospital who can see children with developmental and behavioural concerns, including those without Medicare cards. They provide developmental assessments and make recommendations.

      Types of support

      • In person on campus
      • Telehealth

      Waiting list times

      You may have to join a waitlist. Call us or ask online to register your interest.

        Using this service

        Children and young people up to 18 years.

        Ask online

        Have a question or need some help?

        Call us on 1300 472 432 from 8.30am–5pm Monday to Friday or  ask online .

        In an emergency, call 000.
        For non-life threatening emergencies, connect with the Victorian Virtual Emergency Department .