
Home support

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Continue to live independently with in home support

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How we can help you

What we can help with

Everyday tasks can become more difficult as you age but this doesn’t mean that you have to move out of your own home. You might just need some extra help to get things done.

The government subsidised Commonwealth Home Support Program is for older people who aren’t ready for a Home Care Package.

Our home support team can help you with things like:

  • Personal care including bathing and dressing
  • Home help including cleaning and laundry
  • Garden maintenance like mowing and weeding
  • Home maintenance and modifications

To find out if you’re eligible for Commonwealth Home Support Program, visit the My Aged Care website or call 1800 200 422. You will need to be assessed by the Regional Assessment team. Once assessed and approved, you can choose IPC Health as your provider by calling us on 1300 472 432.

If you are unsure about the My Aged Care process, we can help you.

Types of support

  • Home visits

Waiting list times

You may have to join a waitlist. Call us or ask online to register your interest.

    Using this service

    People aged over 65 years and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people 50 years and over, as well as people experiencing homelessness or who are at risk of homelessness in Brimbank, Hobsons Bay and Wyndham. You must be assessed and approved by My Aged Care .

    Ask online

    Have a question or need some help?

    Call us on 1300 472 432 from 8.30am–5pm Monday to Friday or  ask online .

    In an emergency, call 000.
    For non-life threatening emergencies, connect with the Victorian Virtual Emergency Department .