
Brimbank Melton Children’s Health & Wellbeing Local

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Supporting kids and their families through early intervention

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How we can help you

What we can help with

The Brimbank Melton Children’s Health & Wellbeing Local is a new service run together by IPC Health, the Royal Children's Hospital and Western Health for children up to 11 years and their families.

The Local provides mental health, wellbeing and health care all within the one service and we can also refer families to other IPC Health or external services that your family might need.

The team works together with families as one unit to strengthen relationships using early interventions with age appropriate and ongoing care.

These services can include:

  • Helping you navigate the health care system to get the best possible outcomes and care options
  • Coordinating your family's care through one point of contact
  • Mental health care including cognitive and neurodevelopment assessments
  • Medical care with paediatricians
  • Allied health including services like occupational therapy and speech pathology
  • Family support workers

Types of support

  • In person on campus
  • In another place that you're comfortable

Waiting list times

The Local is currently taking referrals from partner agencies and Enhanced Maternal Child Health (Brimbank and Melton).

    Using this service

    Children aged up to 11 years and their families and carers in the Brimbank and Melton areas.

    Ask online

    Have a question or need some help?

    Call us on 1300 472 432 from 8.30am–5pm Monday to Friday or  ask online .

    In an emergency, call 000.
    For non-life threatening emergencies, connect with the Victorian Virtual Emergency Department .